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Purple Corn Premium Extract  

Purple Corn has been part of the Peruvian culture for many centuries, even before the Inca Empire, and that at present is an autochthonous part of the daily diet of the Peruvians. Purple Corn has a wide range of therapeutic effects for many diseases having an incredible potential because it can be used in many different ways in all kinds of supplements, functional foods and drinks. On the other hand Purple Corn can be used as an interesting natural food coloring agent thanks to its characteristic color from which its name comes. Our Premium extract is the most sophisticated in the market.

Purple Corn

Peruvian Heritage

Recommended use
Antioxidant, Cell protector, colon cancer prevention, hypotensive, avoids damages in chronic diseases.
  Part used Corn cob  
  Origin Coast, Andean Region and Amazon  
  Presentations Premium (standardized) Extract, Powder  
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