Peruvian Heritage
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Orders/ Quotations

Please fill out our orders and quotations form with the desired products. Select initially if you want to order directly or just want to receive a quotation then select the products and complete your personal data. We will take care of your order as soon as possible.

Peruvian Heritage

Raw Materials
Herbal Supplements
Functional Foods
Functional Cosmetics
  Raw materials
  Common Name Latin Name Presentation Un. Quantity
  Nutraceuticals / Medicinals          
  Annatto Bixa orellana L. Powder Kg  
  Annatto 0.9% Flavonoids Bixa orellana L. Extract Kg  
  Artichoke Cynara scolymus L Powder Kg  
  Asmachilca Aristeguietia gayana Powder Kg  
  Caigua Cyclanthera pedata (L.) Schrad Powder Kg  
  Camu Camu 6% Vit C - spray dried Myrciaria dubia Atomized Kg  
  Camu Camu 8% Vit C - spray dried Myrciaria dubia Atomized Kg  
  Camu Camu Premium Myrciaria dubia/td> Atomized Kg  
  Canchalagua Schkuhria pinnata Powder Kg  
  Cassava (Yuca) Manihot esculenta Powder Kg  
  Cat’s Claw 3% Uncaria tomentosa (Willd.) D.C. Extract Kg  
  Cat’s Claw Premium Uncaria tomentosa (Willd.) D.C. Extract Kg  
  Cat’s Claw Leaf Uncaria tomentosa (Willd.) D.C. Powder Kg  
  Cat’s Claw Uncaria tomentosa (Willd.) D.C. Liq. Extr. Lt  
  Cat’s Claw Premium Uncaria tomentosa (Willd.) D.C. Powder Kg  
  Cat’s Claw Standard Uncaria tomentosa (Willd.) D.C. Bark Cut Kg  
  Cat’s Claw Standard Uncaria tomentosa (Willd.) D.C. Powder Kg  
  Chancapiedra Phyllantus niruri L.. Powder Kg  
  Chuchuhuasi Maytenus macrocarpa (R&P) Briq. Powder Kg  
  Chuchuhuasi Maytenus macrocarpa (R&P) Briq. Extract Kg  
  Clavo Huasca Tynanthus panurensis Powder Kg  
  Clavo Huasca Tynanthus panurensis. Extract Kg  
  Cola de Caballo Equisetum arvense Powder Kg  
  Copaiba Copaifera paupera Filt. Oil Lt  
  Dragon’s Blood Croton lechleri Muell. Arg. Latex Lt  
  Dragon’s Blood Croton lechleri Muell. Arg. Extract Kg  
  Flor de Arena Tiquilia paronychioides Powder Kg  
  Graviola Annona muricata L. Powder Kg  
  Graviola Annona muricata L. Extract Kg  
  Hercampuri Gentianella alborosea (Gilg) Fabris. Powder Kg  
  Hercampuri Gentianella alborosea (Gilg) Fabris. Extract Kg  
  Huanarpo Macho Jatropha macrantha Powder Kg  
  Iporuro Alchornea castaneifolia (Willd.) Jussieu. Powder Kg  
  Maca Certified Organic Lepidium meyenii Walp. / Lepidium peruvianum Ch. Powder Kg  
  Maca 0.6% Glucosinolates Lepidium meyenii Walp. / Lepidium peruvianum Ch. Extract Kg  
  Maca Gelatinized Lepidium meyenii Walp. / Lepidium peruvianum Ch. Powder Kg  
  Maca Lepidium meyenii Walp. / Lepidium peruvianum Ch. Liq. Extr. Lt  
  Maca Premium Lepidium meyenii Walp. / Lepidium peruvianum Ch. Powder Kg  
  Maca Standard Lepidium meyenii Walp. / Lepidium peruvianum Ch. Powder Kg  
  Manayupa Desmodium molliculum Powder Kg  
  Pasuchaca Geranium dielsianum Knuth. Powder Kg  
  Pasuchaca Geranium dielsianum Knuth. Extract Kg  
  Purple Corn Premium Zea mays L. Powder Kg  
  Sacha Jergon Dracontium loretense Engl. Powder Kg  
  Tahuari Tabebuia rosea (Bert.) DC Powder Kg  
  Yacon Leaf Smallanthus sonchifolius Powder Kg  
  Zarzaparrilla Smilax regelii Killip y Morton Powder Kg  
  Arracacha Arracacia xanthorrhiza Powder Kg  
  Achira Canna edulis Powder Kg  
  Ahipa Pachyrrizus ahipa Powder Kg  
  Algarrobo Hymenaea courbaril Powder Kg  
  Kiwicha Amaranthus caudatus Grain Kg  
  Lucuma Pouteria Lucuma Powder Kg  
  Mashua Tropaeolum tuberosum Powder Kg  
  Mauka Mirabilis expansa Powder Kg  
  Nuña Phaseolus vulgaris Powder Kg  
  Oca Oxalis tuberosa Powder Kg  
  Olluco Ullucus tuberosa Powder Kg  
  Qañihua Chenopodium pallidicaule Powder Kg  
  Quinua Chenopodium quinoa Powder Kg  
  Tarwi Lupinus mutabilis Powder Kg  
  Functional Foods          
  Yacon Root Smallanthus sonchifolius Powder Kg  
  Yacon Root Smallanthus sonchifolius Syrup Kg  
  Sea Products          
  Conchiolin (Mother of Pearl)   Powder Kg  
  Shark Cartilage Sphyma zygaena L. Powder Kg  
  Seaweed Gigartina chamisoi Powder Kg  
  Annatto Bixa orellana L. Powder Kg  
  Huito Genipa americana Powder Kg  
  Huito Genipa americana Liq. Extr. Lt  
  Marigold Tagetes erecta L. Powder Kg  
  Paprika Capsicum annum Powder Kg  
  Purple Corn Zea mays L. Powder Kg  
  Chamomile Matricaria chamomilla Powder Kg  
  Hierba Luisa Cymbopogon citratus Powder Kg  
  Lemon Balm Melissa officinalis L. Powder Kg  
  Muña Minthostachys setosa Powder Kg  
  Pimpinella Sanguisorba minor Powder Kg  
  Valerian Valeriana pinnatifida L. Powder Kg  
  Other presentations available. If you have special requirements like tablets, vegi-caps, bottles with different capsules content, organic products, special formulations, please fill out our contact form.  
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  Herbal Supplements
  Product Presentation Content Quantity  
Capsules / Tablets        
Caigua Cap. 300 mg 100 cap  
Calmasan Cap. 350 mg 100 cap  
Camu Camu Cap. 250 mg 100 cap  
Cat’s Claw Cap. 300 mg 100 cap  
Cat’s Claw Extract Cap. 90 mg 100 cap  
Cat’s Claw Leaf Cap. 300 mg 100 cap  
Chancapiedra Cap. 250 mg 100 cap  
Diabetisan Cap. 100 mg 100 cap  
Fitolax Cap. 315 mg 100 cap  
Graviola Cap. 300 mg 100 cap  
Hercampuri Cap. 250 mg 100 cap  
Maca Extract Cap. 400 mg 100 cap  
Maca Premium Cap. 400 mg 100 cap  
Maca Standard Cap. 400 mg 100 cap  
Maca Standard Tab. 500 mg 100 cap  
Natuslim Cap. 350 mg 100 cap  
Prostasana Cap. 190 mg 100 cap  
Purple Corn Extract Cap. 200 mg 100 cap  
Yacon Leaf Cap. 300 mg 100 cap  
Cat’s Claw Drops 20 ml 20 ml  
Clavo Huasca Drops 20 ml 20 ml  
Dragon’s Blood Latex Drops 20 ml 20 ml  
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  Functional Foods
  Product Presentation Content Quantity  
Mango Drink with Maca Bottle 296 ml  
Yacon Syrup Jar 250 g  
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  Functional Cosmetics
  Product Presentation Content Quantity  
Hair Care        
Cat's Claw Reconditioner Bottle 285 ml  
Cat's Claw Shampoo Bottle 285 ml  
Chamomile Reconditioner Bottle 285 ml  
Chamomile Shampoo Bottle 285 ml  
Maca Reconditioner Bottle 285 ml  
Maca Shampoo Bottle 285 ml  
Body and Bath        
Glycerin soap with Cat's Claw Extract Soap 90 g  
Glycerin soap with Maca Extract Soap 90 g  
Glycerin soap with Oats and Honey Soap 90 g  
Glycerin soap with Ruda Extract Soap 90 g  
Jojoba Oil Bottle 60 ml  
Skin Care          
Cat's Claw Cream Collapsible tube 160 g  
Exfoliation body cream with Llanten and Apricot grains Collapsible tube 200 g  
Exfoliation face cream with Llanten and Nut grains Collapsible tube 90 g  
Moistening Cream with velvety effect with Camu Camu Collapsible tube 160 g  
Mother of the Pearl Cream with Jojoba Pot 50 g  
No cellulites Gel with caffeine Collapsible tube 225 g  
Reducing Gel based on Seaweed Collapsible tube 225 g  
Aromatherapeutic Fragrances (bi-phase)          
Feminine perfume with Aloe Vera Bottle 50 ml  
Male perfume with Aloe Vera Bottle 50 ml  
Senses free Bottle 135 ml  
Senses modern Bottle 135 ml  
Senses sexy Bottle 135 ml  
Senses tender Bottle 135 ml  
Senses vital Bottle 135 ml  
Other presentations available. If you have special requirements like tablets, vegi-caps, bottles with different capsules content, organic products, special formulations, please fill out our contact form.  
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