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Raw Materials

Our Raw Materials line is the base of our business since from it we develop our finished products and is the beginning of our quality circle.

Our raw materials will allow you to explore new and excellent opportunities for your business, whether it is to include them in your direct offer to your clients, use them as key ingredients to develop new products or even to improve your own formulations within your current line. We have the whole range of raw materials: powders, tea cuts, liquid, dry and standardized extracts, among others. If you don’t find what you are looking for or if you have special requirements just contact us!

We make sure that our raw materials are not only 100% pure and from the highest quality but additionally that they contain the right concentration of active principles, thus resulting in the highest effectiveness according to their individual therapeutic characteristics and beneficial effects. This way we are sure we are giving you the best Peru has to offer!

Nutraceuticals / Medicinals
Functional Foods
Sea Products

Raw Materials

Peruvian Heritage

Common Name   Latin Name Part Used Present. Recommended use
  Nutraceuticals / Medicinals          
  Annatto   Bixa orellana L. Leaf Powder, Extract Genitourinary anti-inflammatory especially for prostate problems, cicatrisation agent, anti-hypertensive  
  Artichoke   Cynara scolymus L Leaf Powder Hypocholesterolemic, hepato-protector  
  Asmachilca   Aristeguietia gayana (Wedd.) King & Rob. Leaf Powder Cough, bronchitis, expectorant, anti-infectious  
  Caigua   Cynara scolymus L Fruit Powder Hypocholesterolemic, hypolipemic, fat metabolism regulator  
  Camu Camu
spray dried
click for more information more... Myrciaria dubia Fruit Atomized High content of natural vitamin C  
  Camu Camu
click for more information more... Myrciaria dubia Fruit Powder (exclusive) The highest concentration of natural vitamin C  
  Canchalagua   Schkuhria pinnata (Lam.) Kuntze Leaf Powder Metabolism regulator and blood purifier, dermatologic  
  Cassava (Yuca)   Manihot esculenta Leaf, Root Powder Anti-inflammatory, treatment of skin infections and burns  
  Cat’s Claw click for more information more... Uncaria tomentosa (Willd.) D.C. Bark, Root, Leaf Powder, Bark cut, Extract Anti-inflammatory (arthritic and rheumatic affections, articulation and osteomuscular pain), immune-stimulant, anti-mutagenic, antioxidant, Contributing agent in cancer and tumor treatments  
  Cat’s Claw Premium   Uncaria tomentosa (Willd.) D.C. Bark, Root Powder (exclusive) higher alkaloids concentration (POA/TOA) and other active principles than Cat's Claw Standard  
  Cat’s Claw Premium   Uncaria tomentosa (Willd.) D.C. Bark, Root Extract (exclusive) Standardized concentration of 5% TOA/POA  
  Chancapiedra   Phyllantus niruri L. Aerial part Powder Kidney and gall litiasis, liver protective, diuretic  
  Chuchuhuasi   Maytenus macrocarpa (R&P) Briq. Bark Powder, Extract Anti-inflammatory, immune-stimulant, pain reliever, muscular relaxation, aphrodisiatic, respiratory problems  
  Clavo Huasca   Tynanthus panurensis Stem and Bark Powder, Extract Powerful aphrodisiac, specially for women  
  Cola de Caballo   Equisetum arvense Whole plant Powder Diuretic, emagogue, anti-carcinogenic, ulcers wash  
  Copaiba   Copaifera paupera Bark Filtered oil Cicatrizant, treatment of asthma, bronchitis and rheumatism  
  Dragon’s Blood   Croton lechleri Muell. Arg. Latex Latex, Extract Cicatrisation agent, stomach ulcers, antiviral, antibacterial, vaginal antiseptic  
  Flor de Arena   Tiquilia paronychioides (Phil.) Rich. Flower Powder Anti-inflammatory for liver and kidney, elimination of uric acid  
  Graviola   Annona muricata L. Leaf Powder, Extract Anti-tumoral, selective cytotoxicity to colon cancer cells, sedative  
  Hercampuri   Gentianella alborosea (Gilg) Fabris. Aerial part Powder, Extract Hypocholesterolemic, colagogue, coleretic, blood depurative, liver infections  
  Huanarpo Macho   Jatropha macrantha Stem, Tincture Powder Powerful aphrodisiac, specially for men  
  Iporuro   Alchornea castaneifolia (Willd.) Jussieu. Leaf Powder Arthritis, osteoarthritis, anti-rheumatic, muscular pains  
  Maca click for more information more... Schkuhria pinnata (Lam.) Kuntze Root Powder, Extract, Gelatinized, Certified organic, Granulated Energizing, anti-stress, fertility enhancer. Mental and physical fatigue. Contributing agent in treatments of menopause problems and menstrual irregularities.  
  Maca Premium click for more information more... Lepidium meyenii Walp. / Lepidium peruvianum Ch. Root Powder (exclusive) The highest energizing effect, gelatinization index and concentration of active principles without a carrier (maltodextrin)  
  Manayupa   Desmodium molliculum (HBK) DC. Leaf Powder Detoxification agent, diuretic  
  Pasuchaca   Geranium dielsianum Knuth. Whole plant Powder, Extract Powerful hypoglycemiant (treatment of diabetes)  
  Purple Corn Premium Extract click for more information more... Zea mays L. Corn cob Powder Antioxidant, Cell protector, colon cancer prevention, hypotensive  
  Sacha Jergon   Dracontium loretense Engl. Cormus Powder Immune-stimulant, antiviral  
  Tahuari   Tabebuia rosea (Bert.) DC Aerial part Powder Anti-tumoral (lapachol content), bronchial affections, flu, leishmaniasis, diabetes  
  Yacon click for more information more... Smallanthus sonchifolius (P. & E.) H. Rob. Leaf Powder Hypoglycemiant, antioxidant  
  Zarzaparrilla   Smilax regelii Killip & Morton Root Powder Anti-infectious, diuretic, depurative, psoriasis  
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Common Name   Latin Name Part Used Present. Recommended use
  Achira   Canna edulis Starch Powder Food suitable for children, old and sick persons  
  Ahipa   Pachyrrizus ahipa Bulb Powder Prepared raw or cooked  
  Algarrobo   Hymenaea courbaril Pulp Powder High content of nutrients  
  Arracacha   Arracacia xanthorrhiza Root Powder High content of natural vitamin C  
  Kiwicha   Amaranthus caudatus Seed Granulated Toasted, toasted flour; high content of amino-acids  
  Lucuma   Pouteria lucuma Pulp Powder Eatable fresh, prepared as a flour for desserts, sweets and ice-cream preparation  
  Mashua   Tropaeolum tuberosum Root, Flower Powder Prepared cooked, eaten cooked as a vegetable  
  Mauka   Mirabilis expansa Root, Stem Powder Sweet and very tasty  
  Nuña   Phaseolus vulgaris Seed Powder Prepared in many different ways, high content of nutrients  
  Oca   Oxalis tuberosa Root Powder Prepared as a flour  
  Olluco   Ullucus tuberosa Root Powder Prepared in many different ways (cooked, in stews, etc)  
  Qañihua   Chenopodium pallidicaule Seed Powder Prepared cooked, toasted and grinded, as a drink  
  Quinua   Chenopodium quinoa Seed Powder Prepared in many different ways  
  Tarwi   Lupinus mutabilis Seed Powder High content of proteins (higher than soybean)  
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Common Name   Latin Name Part Used Present. Recommended use
  Functional Foods          
  Yacon click for more information more... Smallanthus sonchifolius (P. & E.) H. Rob. Root Powder, Syrup Dietetic prebiotic natural sweetener, constipation, colon cancer, diabetes  
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Common Name   Latin Name Part Used Present. Recommended use
  Sea Products          
  Conchiolin (Mother of Pearl) Powder Skin and bones regenerative  
  Shark Cartilage   Sphyma zygaena L. Cartilage Powder Anti-inflammatory, immune-stimulant, anti-tumor  
  Seaweed   Gigartina chamisoi Whole plant Powder Improves the detoxifying and eliminatory functions of the digestive system  
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Common Name   Latin Name Part Used Present. Recommended use
  Annatto   Bixa orellana L. Seed Powder Natural source for red color  
  Huito   Genipa americana Fruit Powder Natural source for blue color  
  Marigold   Tagetes erecta L. Flower Powder Natural source for yellow color  
  Paprika   Capsicum annum Whole plant Powder Natural source for red color  
  Purple Corn   Zea mays L. Cob Powder Natural source for purple color  
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Common Name   Latin Name Part Used Present. Recommended use
  Hierba Luisa   Cymbopogon citratus Leaf Powder Hypotensive, anti-spasmodic, anti-asthmatic  
  Chamomile   Matricaria chamomilla Leaf, Flower Powder Carminative, sedative, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory (eyes)  
  Muña   Minthostachys setosa (Biq.) Epling. Leaf Powder Digestive, anti-spasmodic, carminative  
  Pimpinella   Sanguisorba minor Scop. Leaf Powder Sedative, relaxing agent  
  Lemon Balm   Melissa officinalis L. Leaf Powder Sedative, anti-insomnia  
  Valerian   Valeriana pinnatifida L. Root Powder Tranquilizer, sedative, hypotensive  
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