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Prostasana is an excellent anti-inflammatory, cicatrizant agent and diuretic, highly effective in problems related to the genitourinary system, especially in prostate problems. The blend of extracts of two medicinal plants: Cat’s Claw (Uncaria tomentosa (Willd) D.C.) and Annatto (Bixa orellana L.) give origin to this singular product.

Cat’s Claw has long been known for its anti-inflammatory, immune-stimulating and anti-mutagenic effects, among other beneficial properties which have been proven in dozens of scientific studies around the world. Although Annatto is better known as a source for natural color its therapeutic effects have also been shown in scientific and clinical studies.

Nevertheless the combined effects of both plants on the genitourinary tract, especially on prostate, are immensely remarkable. The results of a study made on 80 men suffering from benign prostate hyperplasia BPH treated with Prostasana had excellent results.

Did you know that it has been proven that after 40 all men are exposed to prostate problems and that these problems are present in 50% of the masculine population? Protect yourself with Prostasana.



Peruvian Heritage

Finished Product: Raw Material:  
  Bottle x 100 capsules x 190 mg Powder  
    (Cat’s Claw, Annatto)  
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