Peruvian Heritage
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Maca is a premium level natural energizer, stress-reliever, proven fertility enhancer that helps to cope with mental and physical tiredness. Due to its high nutritional value NASA uses Maca within its nutritional program and also FAO includes it in its list of products to fight nutritional problems.

Maca, also known as Peruvian Ginseng, is a Peruvian plant cultivated between 3500 and 4500 m.a.s.l. that already had an important role during the Inca Empire where it was used as part of the feeding ration given to the best Inca warriors to have more energy, strength and vitality. At the present time its nutritional value has been acknowledged. Within its nutritional value it can be emphasized its high content of proteins and amino acids (18 amino acids, including 7 from 9 essential amino acids), carbohydrates and other compounds as fatty oils (2 from 3 essentials), minerals and vitamins. In comparison to the potato Maca has 5 times more proteins, 4 times more fiber and yet less fat.

Maca’s therapeutic effects are due to the presence of secondary metabolites like alkaloids, glucosinolates, macaenes, macamides, sterols, phenolic compounds among others that have been analyzed in a series of studies performed in Peru and other countries.

Maca’s physical and mental energizing effect make of it an ideal supplement for a vast range of people, from sportsmen/women to students, professionals, older people and many others.



Peruvian Heritage

Finished Product: Raw Material:  
  Standard Standard – Powder  
  Bottle x 100 capsules x 400 mg Gelatinized – Powder  
  Bottle x 100 tablets x 500 mg Certified Organic – Powder  
  Extract Dried Extract  
  Bottle x 100 capsules x 400 mg Liquid Extract  
  Premium Premium – Powder  
  Bottle x 100 capsules x 400 mg    
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