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Hair Care  
Shampoo and Reconditioner based on Maca

Dry or dyed hair
Deep hydration
Shampoo and Reconditioner based on Maca (more...)

Shampoo and Reconditioner based on Chamomile

Clear hair
Special care
Shampoo and Reconditioner based on Chamomile (more...)

Shampoo and Reconditioner based on Cat’s Claw

Greasy or normal hair
Natural control
Shampoo and Reconditioner based on Cat’s Claw (more...)

Hair Care

Peruvian Heritage

Shampoo and Reconditioner based on Maca

Is your hair dry, opaque or mistreated whether because of hair dyes, sun rays or environment contamination? The treatment with shampoo and reconditioner based on Maca Extract is the appropriate for you. Its 100% pure formula with Maca extract (Lepidium meyenii) works as an excellent nutrient and hair and scalp recovering agent.

Dry hair looks lifeless, is prone to break and is not pleasant to tact if you notice that while passing your fingers these do not slide then probably you may be suffering from hair dryness.
Reconditioner based on Maca
Maca Reconditioner Bottle 285 ml  
Protects hair fibers offering a deep hydration from hair root to top fighting the damage caused by coloring agents and the contaminants of the environment.
Shampoo based on Maca
Maca Shampoo
Bottle 285 ml
Protects the hair and scalp enriching them with its proteins, vitamins and minerals, offering strength and vitality.
After using the shampoo and reconditioner with Maca extract, dry the hair carefully, do not twist it. Put a towel around your hair and press it only to absorb the excess of humidity. Then you can proceed to disentangle it with your fingers or with a wide-teeth comb.
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Shampoo and Reconditioner based on Maca

Chamomile is an aromatic herb which thanks to its natural pigments (luteolin, apigenina and cuarcetin) can contribute to the hair the luminosity, brightness and golden tones lost by the years or opaqued by the contaminants in the environment. Chamomile Extract shampoo and reconditioner are the ideal alternative for people with clear hair or who want to clarify it. Its formula with Chamomile extract (Matricaria recutita) clarifies and heightens the color of the hairs naturally clear and dyed, providing golden reflections.

The brightness is lost because the color of hair pigments is easily cleared by the sun and because dust and dirt is deposited. There are two factors that determine this sign: the brightness degree of each individual fiber and the alignment degree of the hair in its totality.
Reconditioner based on Chamomile
Chamomile Reconditioner
Bottle 285 ml
It moistures, protects and disentangles the hair, reinforcing the Maca shampoo effect giving it a smooth and healthy appearance, giving it back the luminosity, brightness and tones lost by the environment contamination.
Shampoo based on Chamomile
Chamomile Shampoo
Bottle 285 ml
Ideal for kids and family members with clear and delicate hair. It has smooth and natural elements.
One of the most common causes for weak hair are the chemical treatments used for coloring. Not to condition the hair regularly, as well as combing aggressively, may produce important damages.
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Shampoo and Reconditioner based on Cat’s Claw

Directed to people with greasy hair, the shampoo and reconditioner based on Cat’s Claw Extract is the ideal treatment to eliminate the excess of fat presented on the scalp and to stimulate the pilose follicle for the prevention of the hair loss. Its formula with Cat’s Claw (Uncaria tomentosa) contains the active principles concentrated in this herb making them bio-available for their application. Its therapeutic effect contributes with the dermatologic treatment and protection of the scalp against the environment adversities.

The fat excess on the scalp is transferred to the fibers making the hair look greasy and totally turned off and tends to squash itself and look.
Cat’s Claw
Reconditioner based on Cat’s Claw
Cat's Claw Reconditioner
Bottle 285 ml
Protects each fiber of your hair from the fat excess, offering the balance suited for a hydrated and healthy appearance.
Shampoo based on Cat’s Claw
Cat's Claw Shampoo
Bottle 285 ml
  Protects your scalp, hydrating it and eliminating the fat excess.

Too hot water isn’t recommended neither for the skin nor hair, particularly if it is greasy because it stimulates even more the production of sebaceous glands. Use warm water.
The adequate treatment to prevent hair loss is linked to the maintenance of the same, in other words, the adequate cleaning and nutrition.

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