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Bath and Body
Glycerin Soaps

Glycerin Soaps

Glycerin Soaps with: Oats and Honey, Maca Extract, Ruda Extract and Cat’s Claw Extract (more...)

Jojoba Oil

Jojoba Oil


Bath and Body

Peruvian Heritage

Glycerin Soaps
Glycerin soap with Oats and Honey Oats and Honey
Glycerin soap with
Oats and Honey

Soap 90 g
Restores and smoothes the skin rejuvenating and offering it an exquisite characteristic aroma.
Oats and Honey
Glycerin soap with Maca Extract     Maca
Glycerin soap with Maca Extract
Soap 90 g
Specially formulated for people with skin dryness problems and who wish to moisture and nourish it.
Glycerin soap with Ruda Extract     Ruda
Glycerin soap with
Ruda Extract

Soap 90 g
Has disinfectant properties which offer a special cleaning.
Glycerin soap with Cat's Claw Extract     Cat's Claw
Glycerin soap with Cat's Claw Extract
Soap 90 g
Thanks to its active substances it neutralizes free radicals oxidant action helping to protect the skin from irritations and acne.
Cat's Claw
  Cat's Claw
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Jojoba Oil
Jojoba Oil Jojoba
Jojoba Oil
Bottle 60 ml
Ideal as vehicle for absorption of creams, shampoos, soaps and other cosmetics for skin and hair.
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