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Cat's Claw  

Cat’s Claw is a wild liana with square-form obtuse branches and barely curved thorns from which comes its name. Cat’s Claw has scientific and clinical studies all over the world showing all of its beneficial effects and therapeutic properties and at present is one of the most important Peruvian medicinal plants. In the First International Conference on this species, sponsored by the World Health Organization (WHO), it was pointed out that no other rainforest plant has ever prompted such worldwide attention since quinine was discovered in the bark of a Peruvian tree in the 17th century. Cat’s Claw has in addition an anti-oxidant effect higher than vitamin C.

Cat's Claw

Peruvian Heritage

Recommended use
Anti-inflammatory (arthritic and rheumatic affections, articulation and osteomuscular pain), immune-stimulant, anti-mutagenic, antioxidant, Contributing agent in cancer and tumor treatments
  Part used Bark, Root, Leaf  
  Origin Low Amazon up to 800 masl  
  Presentations Powder, Bark Cut, Liquid extract, 3% Extract and Premium Extract  
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