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Maca Premium  

The special in our Maca Premium in front of all other maca presentations that can be found in the international market is that it does not undergo any process that denatures any of its components; the manufacturing process of the finished raw material begins directly after the harvest.

Alter harvesting maca, in it begins a normal decomposition process that is why it is necessary to process it suitably. Post-harvest drying techniques, such as sun exposition, decrease the active principles concentration and quality, gelatinization (high temperature and pressure) damage secondary metabolites and on the other hand extraction has as result a nutrient-lacking product blended with a carrier (usually maltodextrin); our raw material does not undergo any of these procedures.

The novel technique, which results in our Maca Premium, allows us to have a 100% natural product with greater active principles concentration that conserves all the nutritional value, energizing power and other properties of the maca in its natural state. Scientific studies have shown that Maca Premium contains a higher concentration of Sitosteroles, Macamides, Macaenes and a much higher of Glucosinolates (95% more) in comparison to other existing presentations in the market; these components harness the effectiveness of the product. Additionally other studies show an increase of stamina in preclinical tests with an effect statistically higher for Maca Premium (P < 0.05) presenting a 47% increase compared to maca standard, this means that it has an energizing effect higher still than maca standard. Maca Premium characterizes itself for having a gelatinization index equal to gelatinized maca, too.


Maca Premium

Peruvian Heritage

Finished Product: Raw Material:  
  Bottle x 100 capsules x 400 mg Powder  
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