Peruvian Heritage
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Hercampuri is recommended as a complement in the treatments of weight and cholesterol reduction. It is also used to treat hepatic affections and as blood purifier.

Hercampuri has been used for years since the Inca Empire for being a great fat-metabolism regulator; hence it is used to reduce exogenous-type obesity. Due to the high amount of bitter substances of this plant, Hercampuri is an excellent hepatic-depurative, exercising its colagogue activity: reduces LDL cholesterol levels -known as bad cholesterol- transforming it into biliary acids. The plant’s colagogue action facilitates bile secretion and excretion. Hercampuri is used as a general detox agent.

Several studies performed confirm its properties and its non-toxicity proving that this plant is innocuous, in other words without negative secondary effects.



Peruvian Heritage

Finished Product: Raw Material:  
  Bottle x 100 capsules x 250 mg Powder  
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