Peruvian Heritage
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Due to its anti-tumorous property Graviola is recommended as a complement in the anti-neoplasic chemotherapy and especially in therapies related to colon adenocarcinoma. In addition to this Graviola has anti-spasmodic, blood pressure lowering and relaxing properties.

For more than half a century researches on Graviola’s different parts have been made with the purpose to corroborate the abundant pharmacologic properties that have been traditionally attributed to it by indigenous communities. Nowadays not only many of its beneficial effects have been confirmed, which settlers of these communities take advantage of, but also a new field of unsuspected dimensions has been opened in neoplasias treatment.

Nowadays the treatment of cancer lacks of more effective and less toxic drugs and Graviola can fill this empty spot in this field in modern medicine.



Peruvian Heritage

Finished Product: Raw Material:  
  Bottle x 100 capsules x 300 mg Powder  
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