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Diabetisan comes from the blend of extracts of two Peruvian medicinal plants: Pasuchaca (Geranium dielsianum Knuth.) and Cat’s Claw (Uncaria tomentosa (Willd.) D.C.) recommended for the effective natural treatment of non insulin-dependent diabetes for its astonishing hypoglycemiant effect.

Pasuchaca is known for its excellent hypoglycemic effect and as a blood purifier. Scientific studies have shown that Pasuchaca is able to reduce blood sugar levels up to 30% without showing any negative side effects. For long time Cat’s Claw has been known for its anti-inflammatory and immune-stimulating effects, among other beneficial properties which have been proven in tens of scientific studies around the world.

The combined effect of both plants has shown an astonishing effectiveness. The results of a clinical study with glucose intolerant patients treated with Diabetisan have been very encouraging and they demonstrate that results obtained in previous studies on Pasuchaca can be enhanced and applied to human beings, showing even other positive side effects like a moderate reduction in cholesterol levels.

Diabetes is one of the diseases with the fastest world wide growth rate in our times. Diabetisan is a natural product that can help millions of people get a better control on their hyperglycemia problems.



Peruvian Heritage

Finished Product: Raw Material:  
  Bottle x 100 capsules x 100 mg Powder  
    (Pasuchaca, Cat’s Claw)  
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