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Clavo Huasca  

Clavo Huasca is an aromatic vine that grows in the lower regions of the South American Amazon whose tincture, prepared as liquor, is highly regarded by the Shipibo Tribe in the Amazon Rainforest as a remedy for infertility and erection problems and as an effective aphrodisiac especially for women who kept it well secret among them for centuries. The name “Clavo Huasca” means “Clove Vine” and refers to the rich clove-like aromas in its trunk and leaves.

Nowadays Clavo Huasca is an important ingredient in two famous herbal formulas for impotency and frigidity which are known in several provinces in Peruvian Amazon. In addition the tincture of Clavo Huasca is also employed to relieve fever, aching muscles and arthritis pains.

Clavo Huasca can also be applied in aromatherapy due to its enchanting aroma.


Clavo Huasca

Peruvian Heritage

Finished Product: Raw Material:  
  Dropper x 20 ml Liquid Extract  
    Dry Extract  
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