Peruvian Heritage
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Caigua’s fruit is excellent regulating fat metabolism, reducing blood cholesterol. Caigua produces a double positive effect, on the one hand it helps reduce LDL cholesterol -also known as bad cholesterol- and on the other hand it helps increase HDL cholesterol -known as good cholesterol-. This double effect makes it an ideal complement for people with overweight and high cholesterol problems.

Caigua’s fruit is part of the Peruvians normal diet. A series of clinic studies have proven its beneficial effects on human health so it can be catalogued as a functional food. Caigua’s seeds on the other hand are recommended in hypertension treatments.

A clinic study made on post-menopause women determined that treatment with Caigua achieved to reduce hypercholesterolemy prevalence from 75% to 12.5 %. Another clinic study demonstrated that the treatment with Caigua normalized cholesterol levels to 82% in hypercholesterolemic patients treated in this study. Additionally, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects are attributed to this fruit while hypotensive effects are attributed to its seeds. It is considered as a non- toxic product.



Peruvian Heritage

Finished Product: Raw Material:  
  Bottle x 100 capsules x 300 mg Powder  
    Organic certificated  
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