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Yacon Syrup  

Yacon Syrup is a dietetic and prebiotic sweetener made out of 100% pure Yacon Root. Yacon is an excellent natural alternative to fight colon cancer (nowadays the most common cancer in the world after lung cancer) that has big chances in the dietetic and functional products market.

Yacon is known as the world’s richest source for natural FOS (fructo-oligosaccharides) -a root may concentrate up to 70% of natural FOS based on dry matter-. FOS is a sweet ingredient with lower caloric values than glucose and fructose making it an ideal sugar replacement in low-calorie foods. Our Syrup has undergone clinical studies which show that it does not affect glucose levels in blood that is why it is also suited for diabetics. FOS is not changed in the human digestive system and reaches the colon unchanged where it reduces constipation and helps to lower the risks of developing colon cancer.

Yacon can be used in multiple ways:

  • it can be eaten directly as dietetic and prebiotic syrup
  • it can be used as an excellent sugar replacement in all low calorie products
  • it can be used as a sweetener in all types of functional foods and drinks



Peruvian Heritage

Finished Product: Raw Material:  
  Jar x 250 g Yacon Root - Syrup  
    Yacon Root - Powder  
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